I just spoke to Priyanka Chopra on phone. She is in USA, giving final touches to her debut single 'It's My City' that will be launched at the National Football League on September 13. She will be accompanied by Will I Am who'll be rapping along with her. Now, this number is being used as theme song for the NFL this season and the same song will be applied for each team hailing from various cities. Priyanka says that one can draw parallel with IPL theme music. Priyanka has co written the song.
I asked her if the song refers to any city in India. She said, it's a reflection of a lot of cities in India like Mumbai, Bareily, Jamshedpur, US...the places that she grew up in. She is excited about performing live. Priyanka has written around 40 songs and she will be choosing from them for the album which should be releasing later this year in all probability. 'It's My City' is a pop song and as far as her album is concerned, it comprises of ballads and other genres. Priyanka is excited about 'Barfi' as well. She shall be leaving for London for promoting the film followed by Dubai and then city tours in India. And then she will be in US for the September 13 D Day. Priyanka spoke highly of Ranbir Kapoor and also says that Barfi is a fun film.
I love PC & I love the NFL this is just perfect :D cant wait